Established by the Columbus City Charter, the Citizens’ Commission on Elected Official Compensation shall review and recommend the salary for each elective officer of the city, increasing citizen engagement and accountability in the process of setting future pay rates for elected officials in Columbus.

Commission Members and Mission Learn more about the Citizens' Commission on Elected Officials Compensation's members and goals - learn more

Calendar All meetings of the Citizens' Commission on Elected Officials Compensation are open to the public - learn more

News Catch up on Commission news and information. - learn more

Meeting Materials View Commission agendas, meeting minutes, and supporting documents. - learn more

Meeting Videos Watch past meetings of the Citizens' Commission of Elected Officials Compensation. - learn more

Public Comment Submit your comments to the Commission, sign up for email updates, and learn about opportunities to offer public testimony. - learn more

*To request the translation in a language other than English, please contact [email protected] or 614-645-7380. Requests will be completed as quickly as possible.