Background Removal Standards

F - Criminal Activity


F. Criminal Activity – Applicants will be removed from the eligibility list for any of the following reasons:

1. Any pattern of theft offenses, within the last five (5) years, which cumulatively exceeds $1,000.00.
2. Any theft offense within the last five (5) years, which singularly is equal to a felony.
3. Any fraudulent insurance claims or fraudulent applications for welfare, workers’ compensation, unemployment compensation or other public assistance programs in excess of $1,000.00.
4. Any admission or conviction of an offense, as an adult, defined as a felony by the federal, state or local law of the jurisdiction where the offense occurred. An admission of a felony offense would be disqualifying unless otherwise addressed by these standards.
5. Any admission or conviction of an offense, as a juvenile of one (1) violent felony as defined by the federal, state or local law in the jurisdiction where the offense occurred.
6. Any conviction of a misdemeanor offense of violence as defined by O.R.C. 2901.01(A)(9) or equivalent federal, state or local law in the jurisdiction where the offense occurred, as an adult in the last five (5) years. More than one conviction of a misdemeanor offense of violence as an adult is permanently disqualifying.
7. Any conviction of more than one (1) misdemeanor offense of violence as a juvenile, as defined by O.R.C.2901.01(A)(9) or equivalent federal, state or local law in the jurisdiction where the offense occurred.
8. Any admission of an offense for carrying a concealed weapon within the last five (5) years if it is defined as a felony by any federal, state or local law in the jurisdiction where the offense occurred.
9. Any pattern of theft offenses from an employer or during the course of employment as an adult.
10. Disapproval for LEADS access by OSHP-LEADS Administrator.