Safe Roads, Homes & Schools

Chemical and Physical Hazards
Responds to concerns of infectious waste, hazardous waste, and other environmental concerns, includes programs on infectious waste, household hazardous waste, and problem noise from industrial sites.

Childhood Injury Prevention
Prevent injuries from birth to 18, provides access to car safety seats, bike helmets, and home inspections for childcare.

Healthy Homes
Works with residents to prevent household dangers, such as asthma triggers and lead poisoning prevention.

Healthy Schools
Protects school children and staff by identifying and eliminating health and safety hazards.

Infant Safe Sleep
Learn about the ABC's of safe sleep for infants with this public awareness campaign, community education and resources.

Safe Communities 
Works in the area of traffic safety, like safety belt use, drinking and driving, safe walking and teen driving.

Safe Routes to School 
Safe Routes to School Columbus works to make walking and biking to school a safer, easier and more fun option for Columbus elementary and middle school students.