
Read the CelebrateOne
2021 Annual report

2021 annual report cover  

Maternal Health Report
Maternal Health Report Cover

Healthy Beginnings At Home Policy Brief

Healthy Beginnings At Home

Teen Pregnancy Prevention 82% of teen pregnancy is unintended. That means that the vast majority of teens who got pregnant did not want to get pregnant at that time. Being pregnant as a teenager puts you at higher risk for having a baby born too early, with a low birth weight and  more at risk of death before birth. 

The only fully effective way to avoid pregnancy is to not have sex.  But if you are sexually active, the best way to prevent pregnancy and a sexually transmitted infection is to use birth control and a condom; every time.

Teens are encouraged to consider whether or not they want to get pregnant in the next year. A life plan can help them consider what their goals are and how to make those goals a reality.

There are important steps you can take to prevent pregnancy.  There are many options for birth control, so it is important to pick the one that is right for you.

Long-acting reversible contraception, or LARCs, are options that last a long time. They are easily inserted and can be taken out when you want to stop using them or when you want to have a baby.

There are two types: the birth control implant and the IUD, or intra-uterine device. Both need to be inserted into your body, your arm for the implant or your uterus for the IUD. A healthcare provider can help you decide which option is best for you.

Learn more about all the birth control methods available.

Want to find a provider?

Don’t let the myths get you! Get the facts.


Teen Life Guide
The Teen Life Guide gives teens the opportunity to think about their goals and future.  . While life plans tend to evolve with experiences, the guide encourages teens to plan their lives so they have the ability to move from chance to choice when it comes to having a child.

The guide can be completed by teens independently, one-on-one with a counselor, trusted adult or family member or in classrooms and group settings. The intent is for teens to be open to sharing their personal thoughts, and for trusted adults to listen and understand them before responding.
Download the teen life guide here.
Download the teen life guide purpose here.
Download the facilitator guide here.

Having “The Talk” can be hard, for both teen and parent. Here are some tips:
Tips for talking to your parents
Tips for talking with your teen

Want to learn more? Check out these sites.
The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Teen Pregnancy
Bedsider: Birth Control Support Network
Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio

Women's Health Did you know waiting until your youngest turns two before having another baby is healthier for mom and baby? Waiting two years between births is called safe spacing. Safely spacing your babies can have health and economic benefits for the entire family.

Ask yourself an important question: do you want to get pregnant in the next year and do you have a plan? Having a written plan can help you better prepare for your future and reach your goals. Download the life plan here.

If you do not want to get pregnant in the next year there are many easy, safe and effective methods of birth control available including low maintenance methods that last for years at a time,  are reliable and reversible.  Birth Control methods such as the IUD and implant are more than 99% effective and can last between 3-10 years depending on the type.

Contraceptive Implant Nexplanon®
A small, thin, implantable progestin-only hormonal contraceptive
Lasts for 3 years
99.95% effective
Completely reversible
Inserted in the upper arm by a health care provider|

Hormonal IUDs
Lasts for 5 years depending on the brand
99.8% effective
Completely reversible
Inserted into the uterus by a health care provider
FDA-approved for heavy menstrual bleeding

99.4% effective
Lasts for 3 years
Completely reversible

99.1% effective
Lasts for 3 years
Completely reversible

Non Hormonal IUD
Paragard® - Copper IUD
99.2% effective
Lasts for  10 years
Can be used as emergency birth control Hormone-free

Learn more about all the birth control methods available.
Talk to your health care provider about all of the birth control options available and find the one that’s best for you. 
Find a provider. Here is a list of some of the providers around Columbus that can provide birth control, including the contraceptive implants and IUDs.