General Food Business Complaints
Food-Related Illness Complaints
If you believe that you have become ill from something you ate, we would like to know.
Inspection Results
Search for inspection results by name or address (Inspection Results Search)
Inspection Signs
Color-coded signs posted in licensed food facilities provide the public health and safety status for the businesses. The sign color is based on the most recent inspection of the facility.
- Map –Sign color of retail food facilities in Columbus and Worthington.
Green Sign: All standard inspections have been conducted and the business has met the standards of Columbus Public Health.
Yellow Sign: The businesses that are in the enforcement process due to uncorrected critical violations found during follow-up inspections.
White Sign: The businesses placed on an increased frequency of inspections.
Red Sign: The businesses that the Board of Health or the Health Commissionerhas ordered closed.
Inspection Types
The types of inspections(PDF, 141KB) conducted at a business vary depending on the types of food served.