Tobacco Prevention and Control

In December 2019, Tobacco 21 legislation raised the federal minimum age for sale of tobacco products from 18 to 21 years. It is illegal for a retailer to sell any tobacco products, including cigarettes, cigars and e-cigarettes, to anyone under 21. The new federal minimum age of sale applies to all retail establishments and persons with no exceptions.

In December 2016, Columbus City Council passed an ordinance that gave authority to Columbus Public Health to regulate tobacco and paraphernalia retailers by licensing and enforcing civil fines associated with Tobacco 21. The Board of Health passed the City Health Code in February 2017. As a part of the City’s licensing process, inspections are done for all locations that hold a Retail Tobacco and Paraphernalia Sales License and for any events that require a temporary license at least once.


General Information

Tobacco prevention and control laws help reduce chronic disease and tobacco use, protecting health and improving lives in our community. Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the U.S, killing more people than alcohol, AIDS, car crashes, illegal drugs, murders and suicides combined. 

Columbus' tobacco prevention and control laws protect the health and safety of youth – and our entire community. By raising the age to purchase tobacco products, electronic smoking devices, and paraphernalia to age 21, we can reduce approximately 90% of new smokers from even starting the dangerous and addictive habit in the first place.


  • Columbus Public Health provides Tobacco 21 signs to all licensees.
  • Signs must be posted at points of transaction, including cash registers and sales counters. Signs must be in view of the customer and obscuring signs is prohibited.


While CPH will provide signs, they can also be downloaded here.(PDF, 73KB)


Tobacco 21 and Flavor Ban Requirements

What are the requirements for tobacco and paraphernalia retailers in the City of Columbus?

  • The law prohibits the sale of tobacco products and paraphernalia, without a Retail Tobacco and Paraphernalia Sales License (or a Temporary Retail Tobacco and Paraphernalia Sales License) issued by Columbus Public Health.
  • It prohibits sales to anyone under the age of 21. 
  • ID checks must be performed for anyone under age 30.
  • Signs should be posted within 6 feet of each cash register or place where payment may be made in the business.  The sign shall state, "NO PERSON UNDER THE AGE OF 21 MAY BE SOLD TOBACCO PRODUCTS, INCLUDING ELECTRONIC SMOKING DEVICES." The sign must be at least 6 by 4 inches and the words on the sign printed in high contrast red color with capitalized letters at least 0.3 inches high.
  • Columbus City Health Code Chapter 248 prohibits flavored tobacco products from being sold or given away in the City of Columbus.  Flavored tobacco products include, but are not limited to: tobacco products with any taste or smell related to fruit, chocolate, vanilla, honey, candy, cocoa, dessert, alcoholic beverage, menthol, mint, wintergreen, herb or spice (excluding flavored shisha tobacco).
  • Effective January 1, 2024, the annual license fee for each license will be $350.

Effective April 1, 2023, civil fines increased for violations. A civil fine of $1,000 will be issued for a first violation and a second violation within two years of the first violation will be issued a civil fine of $5,000. For a third and all subsequent violations within two years of an initial violation, a fine of $10,000 per violation and license revocation for the business will be issued. 



How do I get a Retail Tobacco Product Sales License?

All tobacco and paraphernalia retailers are required to apply for and retain a valid Retail Tobacco Product Sales License every year. License applications are sent to retailers to complete and return to Columbus Public Health.

  • Download the Retail Tobacco Product Sales License Application here(PDF, 127KB) .
  • Download the Temporary Retail Tobacco Product Sales License Application here(PDF, 132KB) .

A license is required for each location and the license is non-transferable. Tobacco and paraphernalia retailers must submit a current and valid vendor’s license to Columbus Public Health before applications will be processed for licensing. Retailers that distribute, store or sell cigarettes are required to submit a current and valid Retail Cigarette Dealer's License to the department prior to approval for licensing.

How much will a Retail Tobacco Product Sales License cost?

The annual license fee for each license will be $350 and the license will be valid from October 1 to September 30 of the following year. A penalty fee equal to 25% of the applicable license fee will be assessed by the Board of Health for license fee payments that are not received or postmarked by October 1.

Do I need to get a license if I am selling tobacco products or product paraphernalia at an event?

Yes, you need to get a Temporary Retail Tobacco Product Sales License for the event. An application, which is available on our website, will need to be submitted to Columbus Public Health at least 5 days prior to the event and the license is valid for no longer than 30 consecutive days. This temporary license is limited to use at a single event. The license fee is $50.  Anyone who fails to apply for the license prior to the beginning of the event will be subject to denial of the application for the license.                                                                                                                

Can I be denied a Retail Tobacco Product Sales License? Can a Retail Tobacco Product Sales License be suspended or revoked?

Licenses can be denied, suspended or revoked for giving or selling cigarettes, tobacco products, or product paraphernalia to anyone under the age of 21 or selling flavored tobacco products.

Additionally, licenses can be denied, suspended or revoked if no proof of age is obtained by tobacco and paraphernalia retailers for customers who are under age 30, failing to post Tobacco 21 signs, failing to pay any outstanding fines, having the business declared a nuisance by the court, submitting a misleading, inaccurate or false license application, or failing to be in compliance with applicable city, state and federal codes.



Enforcements and Fines

How will tobacco regulations be enforced in the City of Columbus?

Inspections will be conducted for all locations that hold a Retail Tobacco and Paraphernalia Sales License and at least once during the event for all Temporary Retail Tobacco and Paraphernalia Sales Licenses. These inspections consist of two parts: a secret shopper who will attempt an underage or flavored tobacco purchase and a sign inspection.  


Restricted Products

What is included in the city health code about electronic smoking devices, product paraphernalia and tobacco products?

Tobacco 21 age restrictions include:  

  • Electronic smoking devices, including e-cigarettes, e-cigars, e-pipes, vape pens and e-hookah.
  • Product paraphernalia, including pipes and rolling papers.
  • Tobacco products, including any product that is made/derived from tobacco and is intended for human consumption or is likely to be consumed using a method such as smoking, chewing, inhaling or eating.
  • Tobacco products, including cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff, snus, electronic smoking devices, filters, rolling papers, pipes, and liquids with or without nicotine used in electronic smoking devices.

Flavored tobacco products taste or smell like something other than tobacco, including fruit, chocolate, vanilla, honey, candy, cocoa, dessert, alcoholic beverage, menthol, mint, wintergreen, herb or spice. The flavored tobacco ban includes:  

  • Flavored cigarettes.
  • Flavored cigar and cigarillos.
  • Flavored chewing tobacco, pouches, snuff and snus.
  • Flavored electronic smoking devices, vape pods and cartridges.
  • Flavored liquids used in electronic smoking devices.
  • Flavored filters and rolling papers.

    Click here for a list of restricted items.(PDF, 857KB) 


Other Info and Alerts

Columbus Public Health, Tobacco Prevention and Control Program

240 Parsons Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43215

(614) 645-5316

For more information on Tobacco 21 activities, visit our Data Dashboard.

Need help quitting? Call 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669) or click here for other local resources(PDF, 226KB).