
Smart Columbus Logo Med.

Vendor Inquiry Form
Before completing this form, please view our program description, USDOT application and related materials here.
Please note that responses on this form constitute a public record and may be made publicly available should a record request be made.

Company Legal Name

Industry Code (NAICS)

Contact First Name

Contact Last Name


Street Address 

City State , Zip/Postal code

Country (if not U.S.)

Contact Email

Contact Phone

Company Website

If you propose to provide a product or service to Smart Columbus, please provide a description of your product or service.

Based on the areas of focus outlined in the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) and Vulcan Inc. (Vulcan) grant proposals, please indicate the specific project elements for which you propose to provide products or services to Smart Columbus.

What role do you propose for your company with regards to Smart Columbus (technical advisor, vendor, public sector/non-profit/academic collaborator, other)?

Will your role be as an uncompensated program advisor or would you be seeking compensation?

Are you willing to make an in-kind contribution to the Smart Columbus pilot program? Stating “No” does not preclude you from future involvement with the Smart Columbus program. 



If Yes, please describe the nature of your potential in-kind contribution to the program with as much detail as you can provide at this time.

Please list what perceived strengths and value you bring to Smart Columbus.

Should your company be selected to aid in the implementation of the Smart Columbus program, would the business require new or expanded commercial space (local contract service office, expanded production space, etc.)?


If yes, please describe your anticipated needs.

If you wish to send additional materials, please email them to [email protected]. PDFs and/or JPGs are preferred.