Why Kick Sick

Protects Your Child’s Health 
No one wants their child to get sick and vaccinations are an easy way to help prevent many serious illnesses.

Protects Family and Friends
Protecting your child also protects others, like those who are not healthy enough or are too young to be vaccinated.

Keeps the Community Safe  
It takes all of us to stop diseases from spreading.   
It should be easy to Kick Sick! 

Saves Time
No missing work to care for a sick child with a vaccine preventable illness.
No missing school because your child doesn’t have the required shots.

It’s Easy 
Please check with your healthcare provider about getting your child up to date on their required and recommended vaccinations. Columbus Public Health also has an immunizations clinic open five days a week.


And your healthcare provider or immunization clinic can also provide these and any other shots your child needs for their age.