City Council Small

Rules for Speaking at Charter Review Committee Meetings

(as adopted in the By-Laws of the Columbus Charter Review Committee)

An interested person who requests to offer public comment at a regular meeting, should submit the address, name, organization represented and the subject to be addressed no later than 12:00 p.m. on the day of the regular meeting.  Individuals should either submit an electronic copy to the [email protected] email address or provide 14 written photocopies at the time of the meeting. 

People may also offer public comments by submitting his/her name, address, and organization represented onsite on the day of the meeting as time permits.  Speaker Slips should be submitted no later than 5:30 p.m., but priority is given to those who register in advance.

Public comment must adhere to the requirements of Columbus City Code 111.12.(4) except that the Chair or Member presiding over the meeting shall have the right to preserve the order and decorum of the meeting. 

Public comments shall be limited to five (5) minutes, unless waived by the Chair or temporary Chair presiding over the meeting. 

The order of the public comment shall be as determined by the Chair or temporary Chair presiding over the meeting.