Columbus Planning Classroom

Plan Implementation and Development Review

This classroom provides information and resources on how Columbus Planning works to implement adopted plans. One of the primary ways this happens is through the review of development proposals.  Every rezoning and variance in the city is reviewed for consistency with any adopted plan. See the below resources for instructions on how this process occurs and how communities can use their plans to review and guide development proposals.

Click the links on the right side of this page to view each class in the series. For questions or technical issues, contact us at [email protected]

Columbus Planning Classroom

This classroom series is part of Columbus Planning Classroom. For additional materials and to view other class topics visit



Available “Classes”

Development Review

This short video is part of the Columbus Planning Academy series and explains how land use plans are implemented through the development review process.

Intro to CSIR

This short video describes Columbus Site Information Resource (CSIR) interactive map and provides step-by-step instructions on how to use the map.

Columbus Development Database

This story map includes an informational database showing examples of development throughout Columbus and provides an introduction to the database terms and definitions. The database is a resource for residents and stakeholders to visualize different types, styles, and best practices in development.