Markison Inflow Redirection

CIP# 650790-122181

This project is a Consent Order project as identified in the Integrated Plan and 2015 WWMP Update Report needed to mitigate Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) at the Markison CSO Regulator to a Typical Year Level of Service. This project will also mitigate potential water-in-basement occurrences in the Markison combined sewer basin up to the 10-year Level of Service.

This project involves intercepting storm runoff from the existing combined sewer system to the new storm sewer system and improvements to the Markison Avenue CSO Regulator to increase capture.

The project area is generally bounded by: Smith Road on South, 22nd Street on West, Lockbourne Road on East and Whittier Street on North. View the project area map(PDF, 150KB).(PDF, 150KB) View a project presentation(PDF, 2MB).(PDF, 2MB) Download a video about this project.

To meet Consent Order deadline this project will be operational by July 1, 2025.

Financing for this project is being provided by a below-market rate loan obtained through the OEPA’s Water Pollution Control Loan Fund (WPCLF) and the debt is being serviced through the City of Columbus sanitary sewer user fees.

The Ohio EPA has completed a Limited Environmental Review (LER) for this project. View the LER(PDF, 636KB) and the letter of "Notice of Issuance of a Limited Environmental Review and Finding of No Significant Impact.”

Questions regarding this project should be directed to Gregory R. Barden, P.E. at 614-645-1953 or email