FIMR Family Interview

Talking about the death of one’s child is different for every person.  Some parents find talking about their baby hard, others find that it brings them comfort. 

In either case, the information families share provides vital insight into the lived experiences of families who have had a fetal or infant loss.  In short, the family’s words shape our interventions. 

All interviews are voluntary.  Interviews generally happen in the client’s home—or anywhere that is private and comfortable—and take about an hour. Our first concern is respect for a family’s privacy and well-being so identifying information such as names and address is kept confidential. 

The interviewer is not a professional counselor but, if needed, is able to connect family members with supports to help them cope with feelings of loss, anger, isolation and grief. 

Thank you to those grieving families who have already shared their experiences with the FIMR program. Your children, and their stories, are very important to us.