Background Removal Standards

G - Illegal Substances


G. Illegal Substances – Applicants will be removed from the eligibility list for any of the following reasons:

1. Any use or purchase of drugs of abuse (except marijuana) within three (3) years. Drugs of abuse include chemical agents/ solvent-based substances and prescription drugs taken for reasons other than intended use, in more than one incident and without a prescription, especially Schedule I, II and III drugs (excluding marijuana).
2. Any illegal manufacture or sale of drugs of abuse, marijuana, or prescriptive drugs. However, if the substance was sold without profit to the applicant, the amount sold was de minimus, the sale(s) occurred when the applicant was a juvenile, or the action occurred more than five (5) years ago, then the above Rule shall be negated.

For the purposes of this standard, the “purchase” of illegal drugs (other than marijuana) include those purchases made by pooling of resources or money by the applicant and others for substances for their own use.