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Columbus Leaders Congratulate Cleveland on RNC Selection

For Immediate Release 
July 8, 2014
For More Information:
John Ivanic, City Council, 645-6798
Beth Irvin, Experience Columbus, 222-6127
Dan Williamson, Mayor’s Office, 645-5300

Columbus 2016’s team of local leaders and advocates applauds our sister city Cleveland for being selected as the site of the 2016 Republican National Convention.
“Today’s RNC recommendation is further evidence of Ohio’s pivotal status in presidential elections,” said Mayor Michael B. Coleman.  “The Republicans put a big stake in the ground for Ohio’s vote in 2016, and we are working to make sure the Democrats come to compete by choosing Columbus, the swing region of our battleground state.”
Only one president, John F. Kennedy in 1960, has been elected without winning Ohio, and this will be the first major party political convention in the state since 1936.
“Our team is focused on creating the best delegate experience for Democrats in 2016 and Columbus has what it takes,” said Brian Ross, president and CEO of Experience Columbus. “These are exciting times for Ohio, and we congratulate our friends in Cleveland.” 
"As Ohio goes, so goes the nation, and there is no more important region in Ohio than Columbus," said Council President Andrew J. Ginther. "We congratulate Cleveland on their success, and we stand ready to deliver an exceptional experience and position the DNC well for victory in this battleground state."
