Ready In Three

Ready in 3Preparing for Emergencies:
Ready in 3

Ready in 3 is an easy way to learn how to prepare for an emergency and includes these three steps:

1. Make a plan for you, your family, and your business.

2. Make a kit for home, car, and work.

3. Listen for information about what to do and where to go during an actual emergency.

Just as local, state, and federal agencies have created and practiced plans to protect the public, you must also take steps to prepare for emergencies. The Ready in 3 materials provide you with information you can use to plan ahead. Being prepared can help protect you and your family.

Ready in 3 materials are available below in English, Spanish and Somali. Copies of the entire Ready in 3 booklet are also available in the Office of Emergency Preparedness. Contact Elizabeth Jones at [email protected] or (614) 645-7089.


booklet coverPlanning for Emergencies Booklet 

This booklet provides clear information on preparing for emergencies and creating emergency kits for your home, car, and work.

English - Planning for Emergencies
Spanish - Planeación para emergencias
Somali - Qorsheynta Hawl gal Degdegga SaddexTallaabo oo Diyaar garow ah

family communications cardFamily Communications Card

Use this pocket-sized card to keep important information and phone numbers. These cards should be given to every member of the family and can fit easily into a purse, wallet, or backpack.

English - Family Communications Card
Spanish - Plan de Comunicación Familiar
Somali - Qorshaha Isgaarsiinta Qooyska


Shelter in Place cardShelter in Place Card

If there are harmful agents or materials in the air, you may be told to find shelter indoors wherever you are. This card provides simple instructions on finding a safe place, keeping a kit, evacuating and decontaminating.

English - Shelter in Place Card
Spanish - Refugio-en-Lugar
Somali - C-Hooyiga diyaarka


Biological, Chemical and Nuclear Emergency Threats

This pamphlet provides information on the effects of specific emergency threats and what you can do to prepare yourself and your family.

English - Biological, Chemical and Radiological Emergency Threats
Spanish - Amenazas (Emergencias) Biólogcas, Químicas y Nucleares
Somali - Cabsida Xaalad Deg Deg Ah Ee baayooloojikada, Kiimikadaiyo Nukliyeerkaba



Additional information on preparing for emergencies can be found on the Emergency Preparedness web page