Short North Special Parking Area

A parking study was completed in 2015 in an effort to evaluate parking pressures in the Short North. Creating a special parking area and in-lieu process was a key recommendation in developing alternative options to handle parking issues, encourage alternate modes of transportation and create a process to manage parking variances while promoting economic development.

The purpose of the in-lieu fee is to establish a process to effectively manage parking when residential and non-residential developments do not satisfy the parking requirements within the special parking area. This process provides property owners the option to pay a fee "in-lieu" of providing all or a portion of the parking spaces required by the special parking area. The revenue generated from the fees focus on enhancing parking and mobility initiatives to balance the parking needs within the area.

Single-unit dwellings, art galleries, and retail space less than 2,500 square feet are exempt from providing parking spaces under the Short North Special Parking Area requirements.

The proposed parking requirements and in-lieu fees apply to future projects only. The fees are not retroactive for those projects that have received a parking variance.