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National Take Back Day

When: 4/22/23; Occurs Annually in April & October
From: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Where: Various locations, visit (many are year-round sites). Or Enter your zip to see collection sites near you, or call 1-800-882-9539.

Prescription DrugsWhat: National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day aims to provide a safe, convenient, and responsible means for disposing of unwanted prescription drugs, while also educating the community about the potential for abuse of medications. Properly disposing of medication also contributes to keeping our waterways and environment protected and healthy. Drop off unused and/or expired prescription and over-the-counter medications. 

Household Cleaners

Franklin County is fortunate to be home to several permanent drug drop-off locations. For a complete list of those permanent sites, visit .

Visit the Office of Diversion Control for more information. More information about the national initiative can be found at

Keep It Clean - We All Live Downstream   Hoover Crop
Activities in our homes, yards and communities have an effect on the quality of our water supply. 

Learn simple steps you can do at home to prevent water pollution including: proper disposal of household hazardous waste, yard waste (including pet waste), and cooking grease; making simple lawn care choices; reducing stormwater runoff; maintaining cars & driveways properly; don't litter, volunteer for clean-ups & other events. Visit  Keep It Clean.