Who do I contact to make an inspection of Land Bank structures for sale?

Each property has an assigned Asset Manager and their contact information is provided in the property listing comments.  Properties for sale can be found here.

What should I bring to an inspection of a structure?

An individual should wear protective shoes or boots and bring a flashlight. A notebook and camera are recommended to help document what will need to be completed for the rehab specifications on the application. A copy of the rehab specifications template from the Land Bank's application may also be helpful at the time of inspections.

Does the Land Bank sell vacant lots as side yards?

As of 2023, the Land Bank no longer sells property for side yards. Properties that are not suitable for redevelopment may be considered on a case by case basis.

How do I submit my application?

Applications can be submitted through the property listing page. If you have any problems or concerns, please e-mail us.

Are there deadlines when submitting an application?

An application deadline may be included in the property listing. This deadline allows for multiple submissions for a single property and applications will not be reviewed until the deadline has passed. 

Are Land Bank prices negotiable?

Under Ohio Revised Code, the Land Bank is required to sell properties at fair market value. A reduction in price is offered using incentive programs with the acceptance of a restrictive covenant. 

Are there fees for the application or at closing?

There is a $195 processing fee due upon staff approval of the application but prior to submitting the property for approval to City Council. The fee is non-refundable and is in addition to the purchase price. Checks or money orders should be made payable to Columbus City Treasurer.

How long is the application review process?

Applications will take at least 8 weeks to process after the application deadline. Applications go through multiple review steps before a property can be transferred. These include:

  • A review for completion of the application
  • A background review of the applicant
  • A review of the proposed project 
  • A staff committee final approval review
  • A preliminary approval letter is issued listing items necessary to close
  • A review by a neighborhood group such as an area commission as applicable
  • An approval from the Columbus City Council; this step may extend the time frame due to legislation waiting period, holidays, Council recess, etc.

Will the Land Bank inspect my structure after I complete my project?

Yes, the Land Bank Asset Managers will do an inspection upon completion of construction to confirm the applicant is in compliance with their project specifications as submitted in their application. The buyer is required to contact the Land Bank Asset Manager to schedule the inspection, which includes access to the interior. The project is not considered completed until the inspection has occurred.

How do I remove the deed restrictions placed on my property by the Land Bank?

Upon completion of your project and final inspection by the Land Bank Asset Manager, you may request that a Release of Restrictive Covenants be prepared and recorded by the City Land Bank. There is a $95 fee, which can be paid by check or money order made payable to the Columbus City Treasurer.

How do I become a contractor that services Land Bank properties?

In order to become a service contractor with the Land Bank, your company must register with Vendor Services and complete the City's certification process with the Office of Diversity & Inclusion. Service Contractors are selected through a competitive bid process. Solicitations for services such as lawn mowing, property maintenance, board to code, tree removal and towing are generally published once every two years.