Civil Service Exam Information

Columbus Skyline at Dusk

Exam Information:

To access City of Columbus (City) jobs, the first step is apply while the job is open. Then, there are two main selection methods; exams and vacancies.

When the job posting has EXAM after the job title, that means, to get that job you must first take a test. 

Test Resources

About Columbus Civil Service Exams

When a City of Columbus job is posted and it says EXAM after the title, you must take an exam to get that job. Taking these tests are great opportunities to show your job skills and get your name to City staff who make hiring decisions. 

On your computer, City job postings with an "EXAM" might appear as shown below.

Samples of the City of Columbus listing of jobs. Shows three job titles and descriptions with the word

On your cellphone, City job postings with an "EXAM" might appear as shown below. 

Shows listing of two sample posting for jobs. The word


What to Expect on Exams

Columbus Civil Service (CSC) exams are different for every job class. Our exams are designed for each job. To prepare for our exams, first know what will be tested for that job. 

  • Look for the subtests on the job posting (see image below)
  • Look for the subtests in your test admission email
  • Learn more about the subtests
  • This list offers descriptions about the Most Common Subtests(PDF, 32KB) on our exams
  • Some jobs have exam study for prep materials (see the +Study Guides section on this webpage)

This Testing Clinic Video offers tips about understanding and preparing for our exams.  

Sample Job Postings

The images below show two sample postings with exams. At the bottom of every posting there is a test and contact information section. The section describes what type of tests and subtests that will be part of the exam. 

Medical Assistant EXAM job posting. Shows the Test Section with exam info circled and underlined description of exam subtests. Shows where on a job posting to look for the exam information and each job has different types of exams and subtests

Security Supervisor EXAM job posting. Shows the Test Section with exam info circled and underlined description of exam subtests. Shows where on a job posting to look for the exam information and each job has different types of exams and subtests



Situational Judgement Tests

One type of subtest that may be new to you is a Situational Judgement Test (SJT). Our SJTs are video-based assessments of the judgement required for problem solving in work-related situations. We show you a video of a work-related situation and responses to that situation. We ask you to rate the effectiveness of each response. Below is a sample SJT video. This link offers Situation-Judgment-Test-SJT(PDF, 196KB) the ratings you will mark to rate each response. 


Retest Policy

Have you taken a Columbus Civil Service Commission exam and didn't do well? Are you hoping to retest?

When can I retake an exam?

If you want to retest, wait until the Commission offers the test again and apply. 

If we offer the exam within the last six months only, you can retake it that soon only if, 1) A new test for a job was created and will replace the previous results, or 2) it's a performance exams, such as a such as a typing test, data-entry test, or physical test. Otherwise, you are limited to taking the same exam twice in a calendar year. 

If you passed the exam and hope to improve your score, consider the possible result. If you retest while your name is on an eligible list your grade and score band will be based on the second exam. You do not have the option of choosing the best examination score! If you fail the retest while your name is on the current eligible list, your name will be removed from the eligible list.

For a more details about retests you may refer to our Retest Policy(PDF, 125KB).

Veteran's Preference

Are you a veteran of the US military? Would you like to have veteran's preference points added to your passing score?

Learn more through our Veteran's Preference Fact Sheet.(PDF, 734KB)

Test Accommodations

Learn more about Columbus Civil Service Exam Accommodations.

Test Accommodations

Police Exams

Fire Exams