Water Treatment Residuals Turnkey Dewatering Services


CIP 690540

Water treatment residuals are generated by the drinking water treatment processes at the Division of Water's (DOW) three water plants: Hap Cremean Water Plant (HCWP), Dublin Road Water Plant (DRWP), and Parsons Avenue Water Plant (PAWP). These residuals require handling, management, and beneficial use, or disposal. The City currently transfers the liquid residuals from HCWP and DRWP to the McKinley Avenue Quarry (MAQ) for disposal via sludge lines. Historically, the City has also hauled and disposed residuals from the PAWP lagoons to the MAQ.

Based on studies performed by the DOW and its consultants, the MAQ has limited remaining service life under the current disposal rates of residuals. The DOW is seeking to improve the sustainability of its current residuals management methods by moving away from a disposal-based operation to one that is entirely, or substantially, based on beneficial use. This project is an effort to reduce the DOW’s long-term reliance on utilizing the MAQ for residuals disposal.

Under this CIP, the DOW will pursue the design and construction of a dewatering system located at the MAQ. The system design is anticipated to begin in spring 2023 with construction commencing fall 2023 and completing in 2026.

Financing for this contract will be provided by a below-market rate loan obtained through the Ohio EPA’s Water Supply Revolving Loan Account (WSRLA) program.

The Ohio EPA has completed a Limited Environmental Review (LER) for this project. View the LER and the letter(PDF, 326KB) of "Notice of Issuance of a Limited Environmental Review and Finding of No Significant Impact”

If you have any questions concerning this project, please contact Project Manager C.R. Weaver, P.E., in the Technical Support Section of the Division of Water, at 614-645-7100.
