Flooding and Water Leak Info

Information and resources for customers experiencing flooding issues.

Project Dry Basement
This program will cover the cost of an approved backflow prevention device for single and two-family homes in Columbus that have experienced sewer backups during wet weather. Sewer backups must be reported immediately to the 24-Hour Sewer Maintenance Operations Center at 614-645-7102, 311 or 614-645-3111.

Locating a Water Meter & Emergency Service Valve
Locate & mark your main control valve; show everyone in the house how to turn off water in an emergency.

Water Leaks in the: Street, Hydrant, Yard, or Meter
Learn where to report leaking water or pooling/flooding water. Depending where the leak is, it may be a City responsibility or the property owner's.

Basement Flooding Questionnaire
During periods of heavy rain, our Sewer Maintenance Operations Center may experience heavy call volume. If you would like to file an online report to see if you qualify for a Project Dry Basement backflow prevention device, please apply here Wet Basement and Neighborhood Flooding Questionnaire.

Note: This questionnaire, for City of Columbus residents, is used both as an initial step to determine eligibility for the city's Project Dry Basement program and for long-range capital improvement project consideration.

Basement Flooding Information
Water in the basement is usually caused by one of two sources: 1) stormwater seeping through walls, floors or windows, or 2) sanitary sewer backups from the basement drain. Learn more(PDF, 199KB) about the common causes, what we are doing about aging sewers and wet weather problems, and other tips.

What to Do if Your Basement Floods
For a sewer backup coming through the floor drain, please call as soon as possible: (614) 645 7102 (available 24 hours). Learn about important safety information and clean-up instructions.

Fats, Oils, and Grease Control
A leading cause of sewer blockages across the U.S. is the accumulation of fats, oils and grease (FOG) in the sanitary sewers. The greasy waste enters the sewers through connections from homes, food service establishments, and industrial wastewater dischargers. The blockages cause sanitary sewer overflows into local waterways and backups into basements of nearby homes and businesses.

Help Prevent Street Flooding - Keep Storm Drains Clear
Help prevent street flooding by keeping storm drains free from blockages. Trash, leaves, debris, snow & ice are all common causes of storm sewer blockages - you can help.

Do Not Flush - No Wipes in the Pipes
Remember, no wipes in the pipes! Only toilet paper is truly flushable, despite what labels may claim. Anything else is not designed to break down, can clog home pipes and city sewers and must go in the trash instead. Please report any public sewer issues to our Sewer Maintenance Operations Center, at 614-645-7102. View the Top 10 Items(PDF, 326KB)

Prepare for Cold Weather & Freezing Temps
Page coming soon to learn how to prepare your water lines for cold weather & freezing temps and what to do if your pipes freeze or break.