Plan Your Own Storm Drain Marker Event

No Dumping - Drains to River

If you are interested in protecting our natural resources, participate in the "No Dumping, Drains to Rivers" storm drain marking project. Volunteers are needed to apply vinyl markers on curbs near storm drain inlets. The project is part of the "We All Live Downstream" water pollution prevention public education program. By participating, you can help raise awareness that dumping trash, debris or hazardous waste into storm drains contributes to water pollution and endangers wildlife.

The project is self-guided using volunteers and may be done by an individual or a group. You choose when to do it and the area to mark, which must be within Columbus.* We provide the disks, adhesive and instructions. The markers can only be applied during dry weather with temperatures above 45 degrees, including the overnight temperature. We recommend choosing a Columbus area that is pedestrian-friendly in a residential area near schools, parks and libraries. There is no need for volunteers to be in the street or to obtain a street occupancy permit as the project can be done from the sidewalk. For safety reasons, adult supervision is recommended for children. After your project is finished, we request that you return a report form to us and return any unused materials.

If interested, please complete and return via mail(PDF, 12KB) or submit the form online. To determine how many drain markers to request, look at your chosen area on a Franklin County Engineer's Office map and estimate about 2-4 per intersection. The Columbus areas on the Franklin County map are shown in yellow.

We will notify you when your drain marking kit is ready.

Small quantity requests can be mailed but larger ones should call 614-645-2926 with any questions or Thank you for your interest in the program.

* If you are interested in marking drains outside Columbus limits, please contact that government jurisdiction's office.