Blueprint Clintonville Area Projects

1. Overview

Large capital improvement projects (CIPs) currently underway in support of Blueprint in the Clintonville area.

2. Blueprint Clintonville 2 - Old Beechwold Lateral Lining

Summary: Roughly bounded by Rathbone Avenue, N. High St., Rustic Place, and the Olentangy River, this project will rehab sewers to reduce stormwater from entering the system through leaky joints and cracks. Residents will receive notice prior to construction, which is expected to begin in second quarter of 2024. Timing of the work, contacts, and a request to restrict water usage for about 4 hours will be provided.

Sewer lining using trenchless tech CIP# 650872-139161
This project will rehabilitate approximately 135 sanitary sewer service laterals in the project area via “trenchless” methods using cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) technology. 

The project is approximately bounded by W. Rathbone Ave. on the north, N. High St. on the east, Rustic Pl. on the south, and the Olentangy River on the west.

The goal of this project is to reduce stormwater from entering the sanitary sewer system through leaky joints and cracks in lateral pipes.

Construction is expected to begin in second quarter of 2024, and be complete by the second quarter of 2025.

Each impacted resident will receive written notification from the City’s contractor prior of the lateral rehabilitation. The notifications will give specific information on the timing of the work, contact information, and a request to restrict water usage for a short period of time (approximately 4 hours) while the lateral is being lined.

Financing for this project is being provided through the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency’s Water Pollution Control Loan Fund Program with a below market-rate loan. Prior to granting this loan, the Ohio EPA required a detailed submittal from the Division of Sewerage and Drainage to determine the project’s eligibility.

The Ohio EPA has completed a Limited Environmental Review (LER) for this project. View the LER(PDF, 617KB) and the letter of "Notice of Issuance of a Limited Environmental Review and Finding of No Significant Impact.”

For additional information please contact the Blueprint Office at 614-645-1253, or e-mail: