2018 Annual Lining Contract
The 2018 Annual Lining Contract continues the ongoing process of rehabilitating existing sanitary sewer mains and manholes within the City of Columbus. The sewer lining program is part of the division’s ongoing efforts to maintain the integrity of the city's sewer system, parts of which are up to 160 years old.
The sanitary infrastructure within Columbus includes miles of older sewers that have outlived their useful service lives, making them more prone to leaks and/or failures. Sewer lining has the added benefit of reducing the amount of inflow and infiltration of stormwater into the sanitary sewer system, thereby reducing occurrences of basement flooding and sewerage overflows to area streams and rivers. Rehabilitation candidates are identified by routine closed circuit television inspection.
This contract includes over 44,800 linear feet (approximately 8.5 miles) of 8-inch to 36-inch diameter sewers, and 260 manholes. The sewers are being be rehabilitated using cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) methods - more information here - and the manholes will be rehabilitated with a cement liner. Work began in summer 2019 and will continue through 2021.
Residents within each rehabilitation area will receive a letter and a doorhanger prior to the work being performed. These notifications will give information on timing of the work, contact information, and a request to restrict water usage for 8-10 hours while the sewer main is being CIPP lined. Residents will then receive a final doorhanger indicating the work has been completed and that it’s safe to resume water usage.
Current plumbing codes require all plumbing fixtures to have approved traps which prevent sewer gases from entering the building. If you experience sewer odors in your house, you should first ensure that your plumbing traps are not dried out by pouring several cups of water down each fixture (sink, shower, floor drain, etc.). If odors persist, you may have a defective or missing trap and should consult a plumber regarding an appropriate correction. This may be the case in some older buildings constructed under previous codes. In addition to unpleasant odors, sewer gases can contain substances harmful to your health.
If you are a City of Columbus resident and are experiencing sewer odors in your neighborhood, contact the city's Odor Complaint Hotline at 614 645-7961.
Financing for this project is being provided by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency through its Water Pollution Control Loan Fund, a below market-rate loan program. Prior to granting this loan, the Ohio EPA required a detailed submittal from the Division of Sewerage and Drainage to determine the project’s eligibility.
For additional information, please contact the Sewer Systems Engineering Section at 614 645-0485.