Eastmoor Blvd (Main St to Broad St) was studied from November 2021 through November 2022 due to resident concerns with speeding. The study aimed to improve safety, reduce vehicle speeds, and accommodate non-motorized users. The overall result of the study is a plan for the roadway to improve safety for all users and provide more options for active transportation users.
The existing conditions study report, final preferred alternative, all-way stop control warrants memorandum, and public meeting slides can be found in the documents tab below.
The project team presented initial findings and potential design solutions at the Eastmoor Civic Association’s Semiannual Community Meeting on Wednesday, May 11, 2022. This meeting was advertised through the Civic Association and through flyers placed at every household on Eastmoor Blvd in the study area.
At that time, we received the following public feedback:
· Speeding is a concern
· Want slower traffic to be able to walk and bike
· Important to maintain the character of the street
· Desire four-way stop at Fair Ave
· Concern over loss of parking and drainage impacts
Following the May meeting, the project team developed several alternatives including a preferred alternative that most closely aligned with the public feedback and presented these at the Eastmoor Civic Association Meeting on November 2, 2022. The preferred alternative consisted of striping changes to visually narrow the roadway to reduce vehicular speeds so that people could still walk and bike on-street, while also maintaining a majority of the on-street parking.
An evaluation was completed for the intersections of Eastmoor Boulevard & Fair Avenue and Eastmoor Boulevard & Bexley Park to determine if the traffic circles could be removed and All-Way Stop Control be installed. Section 2B.07 of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) contains volume thresholds that should be met to warrant multi-way stop control. Based on this analysis, All-Way Stop Control is not warranted at these two intersections and is not recommended. The All-Way-Stop-Control Warrants memorandum can be found in the Documents tab below.
The first phase of the preferred alternative was implemented in fall of 2023. The primary goal for the first phase is to visually narrow the roadway with painted lines to reduce vehicle speeds. The City is monitoring traffic speeds following the striping changes (average speeds shown below). The medium and long term solutions following the striping changes include installing medians and/or speed humps – however, this would require additional community support and a funding source.
The City will be continually collecting speed and volume data on Eastmoor Blvd to track the impacts of the restriping project throughout 2024 to inform future design decisions. The table below shows 24-hour counts for a typical day in the month and year listed.
(PDF, 1MB)
Study Area Map(PDF, 1MB)
Public Meeting Slides 5.11.22(PDF, 5MB)
Public Meeting Slides 11.2.22(PDF, 2MB)
Existing Conditions Report 2022(PDF, 19MB)
Final Preferred Alternative 2022(PDF, 1MB)
All-Way-Stop-Control Warrants Memorandum 10.21.2022(PDF, 3MB)