James R. Trueman

1935 - 1986

Trueman climbed to the pinnacles of success as a businessman and sportsman. He founded the Columbus-based Red Roof Inns, Inc. in 1972, which became the largest privately owned and operated motel chain in the country.

A skilled race car driver, Trueman bought and revitalized the Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course in 1981, transforming it into a world-famous racing facility. The Columbus Ford Dealers 500 auto race was a direct result of Trueman’s community interest and expertise. He designed the course, brought in the world’s finest drivers and gained financial support of local businesses. His accomplishments brought Columbus to the forefront in worldclass auto racing.

His TrueSports auto racing team rewarded him in May 1986 by winning the Indianapolis 500, his last victory before he lost his battle with cancer 12 days later.