Community Liaison Unit

Community Liaison Section

The Community Liaison Section serves 324 community groups/block watches, with one Community Liaison Officer (CLO) assigned to each of the 20 patrol precincts. The sections’ mission is to provide law enforcement services to the assigned precincts by collaborating with the public to reduce incidents affecting quality of life issues.

The Community Liaison Officers enthusiastically patrol their precincts, providing support and assistance to the patrol officers assigned to these areas. CLO patrolling initiatives are often through bicycle and foot patrols. The CLOs conduct presentations and demonstrations for community members, business groups, and schools on various topics and are deeply involved with National Night Out events. The CLO unit also resolved 709 “311” citizen requests for service. Within the last year, the CLOs conducted over 800 presentations and attended 2,082 meetings, including monthly block watch coordinators’ meetings. These coordinators’ meetings provided citywide information to the block watch leaders and led to innovative approaches to handling community issues. The liaison officers also supported patrol officers by assisting with various special events and projects, to include presidential, election, and VIP security details, Red, White and Boom, campus responses, and summer festivals. CLO initiatives on nuisance abatements of problematic properties and efforts towards hotel licensing requirements has continued. The CLOs are clearly an integral part of the success of the community policing effort of our Division, demonstrated by their energy, dedication, involvement, and achievements well beyond standard expectations.

Below is the contact information for each of the precinct's Community Liaison Officers.

Precinct Officer Phone
1 Precinct Officer Reed #363 (614) 645-1401
2 Precinct Officer Varney #2188 (614) 645-1402
3 Precinct Officer Brown #1910 (614) 645-1403
4 Precinct Officer Hauenstein #1959 (614) 645-1404
5 Precinct Officer Hicks #2183 (614) 645-1405
6 Precinct Officer Barbeau #2149 (614) 645-1406
7 Precinct Officer Golden #1851 (614) 645-1407
8 Precinct Officer White #2207 (614) 645-1408
9 Precinct Officer Tolber #2152 (614) 645-1409
10 Precinct Officer Bruce #1894 (614) 645-1410
11 Precinct Officer Kennedy#2046 (614) 645-1411
12 Precinct Officer Roundtree #1081 (614) 645-1412
13 Precinct Officer Guman #1856 (614) 645-1413
14 Precinct Officer Hittie #2055 (614) 645-1414
15 Precinct Officer Paulus #1994 (614) 645-1415
16 Precinct Officer Hall #1429 (614) 645-1416
17 Precinct Officer Montgomery #1906 (614) 645-1417
18 Precinct Officer Yandrich #2206 (614) 645-1418
19 Precinct Officer Coaty #2224 (614) 645-1419
20 Precinct Officer Myers #2303 (614) 645-1420