Women's Commission


Black Women’s Equal Pay Day

Black Women’s Equal Pay Day highlights the persistent wage gap Black women face in the workplace. This year, the symbolic day falls on July 9, two weeks earlier than in 2023. We’ve seen progress in the fight for pay equity, but there is still work to be done. Join us on July 9th for a social media campaign to bring awareness to this disparity. The toolkit(PDF, 303KB) provides instruction on how you can participate! 

Have questions? Email Emily Truskoski at ejtruskoski@columbus.gov

Mayor Andrew J. Ginther and First Lady Shannon Ginther are proud to announce six new Commissioners on the Columbus Women’s Commission.

The COVID-19 pandemic has made us more aware than ever of the disparities that exist in our community and, in particular, the significant impact of these disparities on women. Women are being forced to make difficult decisions as they attempt to balance school and work responsibilities.

The Columbus Women’s Commission compiled a playbook for local business leaders to provide potential workplace policies, programs and solutions to support their working families. It is our hope that this playbook will inform and inspire flexible, innovative workplace policies. We encourage central Ohio employers to collaborate with families so parents can fulfill both their parenting and work commitments.

Back to School Playbook for Employers(PDF, 858KB)

2017 Year-End Report(PDF, 4MB) 2019 Year-End Report(PDF, 3MB)

Six Action Steps

  • Start the conversation of implicit bias, unequal pay, etc with family and friends to raise awareness
  • Encourage women to run for office
  • Use social media tools to reach, engage, educate and empower the community to understand the issues and take action
  • Stay informed on issues/bills at your State legislatures that impact women
  • Build accountability measures to fight implicit bias within the workplace
  • Continue to be open to learning and challenging existing systems

