Finance and Management

City View

About Finance and Management

The mission of Finance and Management is to ensure the effective management of fiscal integrity, fleet management, facility maintenance, real estate and sourcing opportunities through comprehensive ethical procurement practices.

Finance and Management is comprised of the following divisions and sections:

Asset Management Division

Financial Management Division

FY24 Proposed Operating Budget

Our dedicated to site provides individual sections of the budget proposal and a complete single file you can download. You can also share or save the quick link to quickly return to our 2024 Proposed Operating Budget website.

For historical budget documents including previous budget proposals, please view our Document Library.

Quarterly Review Reports

The Department of Finance and Management publishes quarterly financial reports. Go to the Document Library to download the latest report or other Finance and Management publications.

Document Library

The Finance and Management document library contains prior year reports and publications, including annual operating budget proposals, quarterly reports, three year financial plans, and others.

Budget Management Office

The Budget Management Office prepares the annual budget and provides financial monitoring information and analyses to city management so that they can have useful, credible, accurate and timely financial information from which to make informed decisions.

Capital and Debt Management Office

The Capital and Debt Management Office coordinates the city's capital improvements budget and capital improvements plan and provides debt management services to city departments.

Office of Construction Prequalification

The Office of Construction Prequalification administers a prequalification process to provide fair and equitable evaluations of all entities seeking to do construction business with the city.

Grants Management

Grants Management assists the City of Columbus in achieving fiscal and programmatic compliance in the implementation and expenditure of various U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) grants.

Purchasing Office

The Purchasing Office promotes cost-effective city operations by acquiring high-quality goods and services at the lowest price and by selling surplus goods at the highest price.

Office of Construction Management

The Office of Construction Management provides building construction project management for City agencies to cost-effectively meet operational needs.

Facilities Management Division

The Facilities Management Division efficiently maintains facilities so that employees and visitors may conduct business in a comfortable environment.

Fleet Management Division

The Fleet Management Division provides fleet management support services to City agencies to ensure efficient, safe, reliable, and green vehicle operation and maintenance.

Real Estate Management Office

The Real Estate Management Office provides centralized real estate management and casualty insurance administration for City agencies in order to increase efficiency, control operating costs, and preserve asset value.


Kathy Owens

Kathy Owens