LBGTQ Pride Banner

Columbus has a reputation for being accepting, welcoming and gay-friendly.  In Columbus, you can be who you are and succeed on your own terms.

About Columbus LGBTQ Pride

About Columbus LGBTQ Pride The City of Columbus has a proud tradition as an exemplar for inclusiveness, acceptance, and progressive social action. - learn more

Pride Providers

Local LGBTQ Resources Local organizations that offer support geared towards the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning community. - learn more

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LGBTQ Health Initiative The LGBTQ Health Initiative at Columbus Public Health was created to address gaps in care and issues of health inequity within LGBTQ communities. - learn more

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Cultural Competency Training and Technical Assistance Training and consultation for healthcare, community, and social service organizations to create safer and more inclusive healthcare and social service experiences for LGBTQ clients. - learn more