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Heat Safety and Cooling Programs -- 7.22.2010


Extreme Summer Heat Poses Health Risk to Kids, Elderly and Medically Fragile
Safety Tips and Cooling Programs help Residents Enjoy a Healthier and Safer Summer

As the thermometer rises this summer, so does the risk of suffering from a heat related illness.  While anyone can suffer from a heat related illness, extreme heat is particularly dangerous to young children, the elderly and people with underlying medical conditions such as asthma, diabetes and heart disease.  But according to Columbus Public Health Commissioner Dr. Teresa Long and Franklin County Board of Health Commissioner Susan Tilgner, a few heat safety tips can protect and help everyone maintain good health, as the heat index rises.

In extreme heat and humidity, the health commissioners offer the following tips to stay cool and safe:

  • Drink plenty of water – do not wait until you are thirsty.
  • Stay inside in air conditioning whenever possible.  If you do not have an air conditioner, use movie theatres, malls, libraries and other public places that are cool.
  • Avoid beverages with alcohol, caffeine and sugar because they will dehydrate you.
  • Eat light meals.
  • Wear lightweight, light colored clothing and a hat.
  • Stay in the shade.
  • Limit your outdoor activity to morning and evening hours.

Heat related illnesses such as heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke can strike at any time.  Symptoms include dizziness, nausea, rapid heartbeat, headache, absence of perspiration and dry, hot flushed skin.  Anyone experiencing these symptoms should seek immediate medical attention.

In addition to these safety tips, Long and Tilgner also note that cooling assistance programs are available to qualifying people from several community organizations: 

The Breathing Association and OhioHealth Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) – Summer Crisis Program, providing electric bill assistance and air conditioning units for elderly households and customers with qualifying incomes and medical conditions, July 1-August 31.  Call for appointment at 566-0750.

LifeCare Alliance and 10TV Fan Club – Free fan program for households with immediate family members with chronic health conditions.  For more information, contact 278-3130.  (Currently, there is a waiting list.)  New box fans also can be donated for the program at any City of Columbus fire station.  For more information, call Michelle Jones at 437-2803.

Impact Community Action – Summer Crisis Program providing energy bill assistance to households that meet income eligibility guidelines and have a member more than 60 years of age with certain medical conditions.  For guidelines and appointments, call 866-747-1038.

Franklin County Senior Options – Free fan program for current clients ages 60 years or older without a working air conditioner.  (Clients who received a fan in the last two years are ineligible.)  For more information, call 462-6200.
For more information on summer cooling programs or heat safety, visit the Columbus Public Health Web site at or the Franklin County Board of Health site at