Being Prepared

Population Health Division
Programs focused on preparing the community for emergencies, and identifying and responding to public health threats and priorities. This includes epidemiology and health planning.

Emergency Preparedness
Programs to prevent, prepare for, respond to and recover from health emergencies. 

Influenza Surveillance
Data and information on influenza (flu) and influenza-like illnesses in Columbus/Franklin County.

Office of Epidemiology
Support for Columbus Public Health and the community who want to use data effectively in community health policy, planning, and programming decisions.

Preparedness Partners Webinar Series
Trending topics within public health emergency preparedness where professionals share real-life stories and lessons learned from recent events.

Medical Reserve Corp - Columbus and Franklin County
Volunteers or public health and other professionals that contribute their skills and expertise when needed. Learn more or join.

Ready In 3 Planning Kit
Preparing for any emergency with three steps: make a plan, make a kit and listen for information. 

Report a Chemical -- Chemical and Physical Hazards Program
Programs related to hazardous chemicals and protecting the public's health.