Design and Construction

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Columbus, OH 43215
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(614) 645-3111

Long and Spring Bike Lanes

Description and Benefits:
Mayor Michael B. Coleman’s vision for Columbus streets includes as many bicycle accommodations as possible within the existing right-of-way. This project will make enhancements to the bike lane and parking improvements installed on Long Street and Spring Street in 2014, including:

  • Bike lanes and sign installations on Long Street between Neil Avenue and Hamilton Avenue and on Spring Street between Marconi Boulevard and Hamilton Avenue
  • A two-foot “door buffer zone” between parking lane and bike lane

Two-stage, bike-turn queue boxes at the following intersections:

  • Spring Street and 3rd Street
  • Spring Street and Grant Avenue
  • Spring Street and Cleveland Avenue
  • Spring Street and Lester Drive
  • Spring Street and Elijah Pierce Avenue

Queue boxes will:

  • Offer a safer alternative for bicyclists make left turns at multi-lane, signalized intersections from the right (north) side of Spring Street
  • Provide a formal queuing space for bicyclists making a two-stage turn
  • Reduce turning conflicts between bicyclists and motorists
  • Prevent conflicts arising from bicyclists queuing in a bike lane or crosswalk
  • Separate turning bicyclists from through bicyclists

Construction is set to begin in August, with completion scheduled for October 2015, weather permitting. 

Estimated Cost:
Construction: $425,700. This project also includes bike lanes on Ohio and Champion avenues between Cole Street and Mount Vernon Avenue.

Contact Information:
City of Columbus Construction Project Manager:
Richie Dimmerling, P.E., tel. (614) 645-0446
Designer: OHM Advisors
Construction Contractor: Griffin Pavement Striping, Inc.