Keep It Clean

    Hoover Crop  

Simple steps you can take at home to  prevent water pollution .

Take a Tour

Watershed Signage

Signage installed at Griggs, O'Shaughnessy & Hoover Reservoirs invites park visitors to  take a self-guided tour along the shoreline & learn about the green infrastructure installed there.

Rain gardens, porous pavement & more can improve the quality of storm water entering the reservoirs that supply our drinking water.

Non-point Source Pollution

Stormwater Runoff

Protect our Waterways
Illustration Courtesy of NCDENR

Seasonally timed utility tips and topics

Spring Topics

Spring Topics Get your garden ready with Com-Til mulch, fill your pool, learn about annual fire hydrant flushing and flooding issues, participate in volunteer opportunities like Storm Drain Marking; start a community garden or learn about rain barrels; and more.
- learn more

Summer Topics

Summer Topics Learn how to: maintain a healthy lawn, meter outdoor water use or the cost to fill a pool, make simple lawn care choices to save money and protect our water supply, participate in volunteer opportunities including Storm Drain Marking, start a community garden and more.  - learn more

Fall Tips and Topics

Fall Tips and Topics Learn about: mulching your garden for winter with Com-Til, keeping storm drains clear, proper yard waste disposal, cool weather energy savings, what to do if your pipes freeze (& how to prevent it), water main breaks & more.  - learn more

Winter Topics

Winter Topics Learn about: what to do if your pipes freeze (& how to prevent it), water main breaks, sledding & outdoor activities, keeping storm drains clear & more. Cold weather energy savings (and how to get a rebate for a programmable thermostat). - learn more