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Com-Til Compost

Compost Facility
7000 Jackson Pike (S.R. 104)
Lockbourne, OH 43137
Office : 614-645-3153
Email : Click to Send Email
More Information: Directions
   Week Days: 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Com-Til Purchase Info

Wholesalers may purchase at our Compost Facility by account only in bulk quantities, per cubic yard, which weighs about 1,000 pounds. Where to Purchase

Com-Til (traditional product)
$19 per cubic yard  (under 300 yards)
$15 per cubic yard  (over 300 yards)

Com-Til Plus (soil conditioner)
$16 per cubic yard  (under 300 yards)
$12 per cubic yard  (over 300 yards)

comtil purchase info

Click here to determine how much you need.


  Conversion factor: 1 cubic yard covers 1000 square ft. at 1/4 inches.

All About Com-Til

A biosolids compost produced by Department of Public Utilities, Com-Til is sold for public use in central Ohio and beyond. While it is similar to other organic soil amendments and can be used in the same ways, Com-Til is uniquely usable as a nutrient-rich composted mulch.

Gardeners, landscapers, tree farms, and some area golf courses use Com-Til… some of your neighbors are using it too.

Com-Til provides organic material and carbon to soils and improves physical properties; it “breaks up” hard clay soil… and healthy soil means healthy plants and trees.

How to Use Com-Til
Com-Til can be tilled into existing soil, blended with topsoil or sand, spread over earth, sod or grass as a top-dress, used as an in-fill for remediation projects, or any application to improve the health of the soil. It can also be used as a fertilizing mulch for landscaping needs. 

Just as with any lawn fertilizer or soil amendment, you should handle Com-Til compost with gloves.

Extended Aerated Static Piles of Com-TilHow Com-Til Is Made
It is produced by "extended aerated static pile" method. 
Composting is a year-round operation, and we have 35 acres to mix, compost, cure, screen, and store the product.

Other readily available composts are made from food scraps or manure; Com-Til is made from wood chips and treated biosolids. Our composting process allows Com-Til to meet regulatory requirements and be classified as “exceptional quality” – this means there are no remaining pathogens, and Com-Til can be used safely without restriction.

Learn more about biosolids and beneficial reuse.

About the Compost Facility
For over 30 years our primary function is the production of Com-Til compost and mulching products. Working with both Jackson Pike and Southerly Wastewater Treatment Plants (of the Division of Sewerage and Drainage), our 35-acre site is home to one of the largest composting operations in central Ohio. 

We are located between State Route 104 and the Scioto River, just south of Route 665 / London-Groveport Road.  Directions 

For questions/additional information call 614-645-3153 or Email. We love to talk about what we do! Or you can schedule a tour of the facility. Anyone can visit during business hours – our office staff is available to answer questions, offer information about Com-Til, and give you a tour of the building and outdoor operations (weather & schedule permitting). Please NOTE: we do prefer to schedule tours, especially if the group is larger than four.

Com-Til Tanker