Treatment, supportive services (groups, meetings, self-help), sober housing, access to Naloxone, and syringe access


Treatment Options Find where you can get the treatment you need to overcome opiate addiction. - learn more

support group

Supportive Services Find groups, meetings, and self-help to get the support you need. Support Services for Opiate Users

Naloxone Chemical

Access to Naloxone When taken during an overdose, Naloxone blocks the effects of opioids on the brain and restores breathing. It can be given as an injection into a muscle or a nasal spray. Click here to see where you can get naloxone. Access to Naloxone

Safe Point logo

Syringe Access Safe Point offers syringe access and safer injection use education; HIV/STI/Hepatitis C testing and linkage to care; primary medical care; drug intervention treatment and counseling; and overdose prevention education. Safe Point

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Recovery Housing Find a drug-and-alcohol-free place to live; content under construction and coming soon.